Häihin ja juhlaan

For weddings and celebrations

When it's time for a big celebration

The most stunning hair accessories for weddings and other celebrations from our wide selection of party jewelry. Whether you are looking for the hair accessory of your dreams or earrings that complement your style, you will find a carefully selected selection of more beautiful jewelry for your special day.

We have a wide selection of high-quality, stunning jewelry that will make you feel like the queen of the day. In addition to jewelry, you will also find evening and party bags in our selection to complete your look. S

The jewelry ranges from soft rose gold tones to cool silver and classic gold. The jewelry is available in pre-designed sets as well as individual pieces if you just need a little extra to complement your festive style.

Right now is a wonderful time to think about your own look because fashion is quite abundant and it is easy to find different styles of party outfits. The same abundance is also true for jewelry; the selection ranges from romantic decorative jewelry to minimalist jewelry and everything in between. So there is sure to be the perfect jewelry for everyone's style.

We constantly follow the changing fashion of wedding and party dresses and select the most beautiful and functional ideas for our selection. We make sure that our selection is comprehensive and that you can find your own jewelry, whether you are a bride looking for jewelry for your wedding day, a prom dancer looking for the perfect tiara for her princess day, or a student celebrating a birthday party. Different occasions require their own kind of jewelry and we are here to ensure that every celebrant finds jewelry that suits their own style.

If you need help choosing jewelry or have any questions, please contact us by email. We'd be happy to help!


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669 products

PREMIUM COLLECTION | Nathalie silver earrings with freshwater pearls
FRENCH RIVIERA | Champs Elysées fuchsia earringsFRENCH RIVIERA | Champs Elysées fuchsia earrings
FRENCH RIVIERA | Raelynn large silver rhinestone ringsFRENCH RIVIERA | Raelynn large silver rhinestone rings
FRENCH RIVIERA | Skylar bright gold rhinestone earringsFRENCH RIVIERA | Skylar bright gold rhinestone earrings
FRENCH RIVIERA | Skylar bright silver rhinestone earringsFRENCH RIVIERA | Skylar bright silver rhinestone earrings
FRENCH RIVIERA | Mackenzie -bright silver rhinestone earringsFRENCH RIVIERA | Mackenzie -bright silver rhinestone earrings
Pearl earrings, ROMANCE | Lauretta gold-colored party earrings
Pearl earrings, ROMANCE | Lauretta silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE, Ophelia copper-tone tiara with bright stonesROMANCE, Ophelia copper-tone tiara with bright stones
ATHENA BRIDAL | Classic Necklace SetATHENA BRIDAL | Classic Necklace Set
ROMANCE | Eloise translucent pearl necklaceROMANCE | Eloise translucent pearl necklace
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Serenity silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Serenity silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Serenity silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Serenity silver-colored rhinestone necklace
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Viviana silver-colored pearl studsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Viviana silver-colored pearl studs
ROMANCE | Viviana silver-colored rhinestone necklace with pearlsROMANCE | Viviana silver-colored rhinestone necklace with pearls
ROMANCE, Yasmine teardrop rhinestone braceletROMANCE, Yasmine teardrop rhinestone bracelet
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Yasmine silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Yasmine silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Yasmine silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Yasmine silver-colored rhinestone necklace
ROMANCE | Rosalie silver-colored drop earrings with cubic zirconiaROMANCE | Rosalie silver-colored drop earrings with cubic zirconia
ROMANCE | Rosalie silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconionROMANCE | Rosalie silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconion
ROMANCE | Genevieve silver-colored party earrings with cubic zirconiaROMANCE | Genevieve silver-colored party earrings with cubic zirconia
ROMANCE | Genevieve silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconionROMANCE | Genevieve silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconion
ROMANCE | Gabrielle silver-colored party earrings with cubic zirconiaROMANCE | Gabrielle silver-colored party earrings with cubic zirconia
ROMANCE | Gabrielle silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconionROMANCE | Gabrielle silver-colored rhinestone necklace cubic zirconion
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alisha silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alisha silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Alisha silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Alisha silver-colored rhinestone necklace
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alicia -silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alicia -silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Alicia silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Alicia silver-colored rhinestone necklace
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alexandra silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Alexandra silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Alexandra silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Alexandra silver-colored rhinestone necklace
ROMANCE | Adriana gold-colored rhinestone necklace with dropROMANCE | Adriana gold-colored rhinestone necklace with drop
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Adriana gold-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Adriana gold-colored party earrings
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Adriana silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Adriana silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Adriana silver-colored rhinestone necklace with a dropROMANCE | Adriana silver-colored rhinestone necklace with a drop
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Isadora gold-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Isadora gold-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Isadora gold-colored rhinestone necklace with pearlsROMANCE | Isadora gold-colored rhinestone necklace with pearls
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Isadora silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Isadora silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Isadora silver-colored rhinestone necklace with pearlsROMANCE | Isadora silver-colored rhinestone necklace with pearls
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Anastassia gold-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Anastassia gold-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Anastassia gold-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Anastassia gold-colored rhinestone necklace
Rhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Anastassia silver-colored party earringsRhinestone earrings, ROMANCE | Anastassia silver-colored party earrings
ROMANCE | Anastassia silver-colored rhinestone necklaceROMANCE | Anastassia silver-colored rhinestone necklace
ROMANCE, Heather rose gold hair ornament with flower and leafROMANCE, Heather rose gold hair ornament with flower and leaf
ROMANCE | Josephine - small emerald green hair ornament
ROMANCE | Eugenia silver-tone hair accessory setROMANCE | Eugenia silver-tone hair accessory set
ROMANCE | Diana silver-tone hair accessory setROMANCE | Diana silver-tone hair accessory set
ROMANCE | Ruth silver-tone floral hair accessoryROMANCE | Ruth silver-tone floral hair accessory
ROMANCE | Ruth rose gold floral hair accessoryROMANCE | Ruth rose gold floral hair accessory
Näyttää 48 / 669 tuotetta

Kun on suuren juhlan aika

Häiden sekä muiden juhlien upeimmat hiuskorut laajasta juhlakorujen valikoimastamme. Olitpa etsimässä unelmiesi hiuskoristetta tai tyyliäsi täydentäviä korvakoruja löydät meiltä huolellisesti valitun valikoiman toinen toistaan kauniimpia koruja juhlapäivääsi. 

Meillä on laajavalikoima laadukkaita, upeita koruja jotka saavat sinut tuntemaan itsesi päivän kuningattareksi. Korujen lisäksi löydät valikoimastamme ilta- sekä juhlalaukut jotka täydentävät lookkisi. S

Koruissa löytyy valikoima pehmeän ruusukultaisista sävyistä viileään hopeaan ja klassiseen kultaan. Koruja on saatavilla valmiiksi mietittyinä setteinä sekä yksittäisinä koruina jos kaipaat vain pientä täydennystä juhlatyyliisi.

Tällä hetkellä on ihana aika miettiä omaa lookkia sillä muoti on varsin runsas ja eri tyylisiä juhla-asuja löytää helposti. Sama runsaus on myös korupuolella; valikoimaa löytyy romanttisista koristeellisista koruista minimalistisiin ja kaikkea siltä väliltä. Jokaisen tyyliin löytyy siis varmasti ne täydelliset korut.

Seuraamme hää -ja juhlapukujen vaihtuvaa muotia jatkuvasti ja poimimme valikoimaan kauneimmat ja toimivat ideat ja pidämme huolen siitä että valikoimamme on kattava ja sinulla on mahdollista löytää omat korusi oletpa morsian etsimässä koruja hääpäivääsi, Vanhojentanssija hakemassa täydellistä tiaraa prinsessapäivään tai vuosijuhlaa viettävä opiskelija. Eri tilaisuudet kaipaavat omanlaisensa korut ja me olemme täällä sitä varten että jokainen juhlija löytää omaan tyylinsä sopivat korut juhlaan.

Jos kaipaat apua korujen valitsemisessa tai jokin asia askarruttaa, ole meihin yhteydessä sähköpostilla. Autamme mielellämme!
