Kotimaiset käsintehdyt korvakorut ovat aina uniikit
LEMPI®-korvakorut – Suomalaista käsityötä alusta alkaen LEMPI®-korvakorut tarjoavat suomalaisia, käsityönä valmistettuja korvakoruja, jotka heijastavat paikallista osaamista ja estetiikkaa. Jokaine...

Navel piercing - one of the most popular piercings
Belly button jewelry: how to choose the perfect piece of jewelry and take care of the piercing properly? Belly button earrings are a popular way to express your style and enhance your body's bea...

Choosing old-fashioned dance jewelry
How to choose the right jewelry for Senior Dances Homecoming is a special moment in every high school student’s life. This evening is full of glamour, dancing and a festive atmosphere, and it of...

Avoid unnecessary Christmas stress and get inspired by our Christmas gift ideas as we present ten wonderful gift ideas from the Romeo & Julian Jewelry Store selection, which will help you choos...

Hair accessories for spring and summer 2024: the latest trends and tips
The year 2024 brings a new arrival of hair bows. These timeless accessories have been given a modern update: the new models shine in bright, spring colors and have a luxurious look. A large, eye-c...

Hair accessories for parties - be successful in choosing a hair accessory.
Hair accessories have become increasingly popular in recent years. A simple hairstyle can be given a touch of extra festivity when you choose the right hair accessory. As hair accessories have bec...