Gift certificate to the Oulu store
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A gift certificate is a wonderful way to remember
A gift card is a great gift for many reasons: it gives the recipient the opportunity to choose the product they want, which ensures that the gift is sure to please. It is also a convenient solution when you don't know exactly what the recipient wants, or when you can't be sure about the size, colors or other details.
It's also a great gift option when you don't have the time or creativity to find the perfect gift. Overall, a gift card offers a flexible and delightful way to delight friends and family on special occasions.
Gift cards purchased from us are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase and can be used in parts; a gift card will delight you many times and always remind you of its giver.
The gift cards that you can use in the store are beautiful cardboard gift cards, so giving a gift card is nice.
A gift certificate is a wonderful way to remember
A gift card is a great gift for many reasons: it gives the recipient the opportunity to choose the product they want, which ensures that the gift is sure to please. It is also a convenient solution when you don't know exactly what the recipient wants, or when you can't be sure about the size, colors or other details.
It's also a great gift option when you don't have the time or creativity to find the perfect gift. Overall, a gift card offers a flexible and delightful way to delight friends and family on special occasions.
Gift cards purchased from us are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase and can be used in parts; a gift card will delight you many times and always remind you of its giver.
The gift cards that you can use in the store are beautiful cardboard gift cards, so giving a gift card is nice.

Koruliikkeemme on perheyritys ja muutama vuosi sitten tehdyn sukupolvenvaihdoksen jälkeen yritystä johdamme me, sisarukset Anni & Laura.
Rakastamme koruja, muotia sekä kaikkea kaunista ja se näkyykin niin myymälämme kuin verkkokauppamme valikoimassa. Haluamme tarjota monentyylisiä koruja, koska itsekin olemme vaihtelunhaluisia emmekä halua rajata omaa tai liikkeemme tyyliä vaan koemme että erilaisten korujen yhdistelmistä syntyvä tyyli on ainutlaatuinen ja mielenkiintoinen!
Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman erilaisia korutyylejä, jotta jokainen asiakas löytäisi juuri itselleen sopivan korun. Olipa etsinnässäsi klassinen hopeakoru, rohkea statement-kaulakoru, hienostunut rannekoru tai persoonallinen riipus, meiltä löydät varmasti jotain, joka heijastaa omaa tyyliäsi ja persoonallisuuttasi. Olemme erikoistuneet perinteisten korujen lisäksy lävistyskoruihin joita olemme myyneet yli kahdenkymmenen vuoden ajan.